Nov 30, 2008

How to Send Flowers Online

Sending flowers to your loved ones no longer need involve visiting different stores and choosing flowers, now this task is just a finger click away. To shop for flowers on the net can be fun and saves time and effort of visiting the store at the last moment. You can also shop at your own leisure and take advantage of the deals that are available online from time to time. The mindset of considering store shopping a grade better than online shopping can be overcome by starting with something small and easy as shopping for flowers. Here are some guidelines to get over this initial inhibition and make some great purchases.

A few suggestions

  • If you do not have any idea about which sites to visit to check for flowers, simply key in the words buy flowers or send flowers or something more specific in any search engine. (Google and Yahoo are the most popular)
  • Go through various sites and check their different items before finally making a decision. Most sites stock other things like wrapping paper, beautiful vases and laces and ribbons besides flowers.
  • If you see some arrangement that you particularly like, enlarge the image to get the correct feel.
  • Read all the product updates and make a note of the number of flowers included in each bunch, the color and arrangement and also of other deals contained within the offer.
  • Add the product of your choice to the cart along with anything else that you fancy and total the amount after taking into account all the other expenses like taxes, handling and shipping. Follow the directions on the site to select and deliver the flowers of your choice.


  • Buy the flowers from only reputed sites so as to not be duped.
  • Remember to take into account all expenses when calculating the total.
  • Keep your credit card on the ready to enter the accounting information to process the order.


  • Don’t make up your mind in a hurry. Go through different sites, many sites include shipping or some deals in their offer.

Nov 3, 2008

Birthday Flowers

Well, it's your birthday and your closest friend has just dropped off a beautiful bouquet of birthday flowers that are Calyx and Corolla. You want them to last as long as possible but you don't really know how to do that. There are a few simple rules you can follow to get the most out of the bouquet you've received. It would be a shame to lose such a pretty sight a couple of days after receiving them. So to preserve the flowers that you have you will have to take care of them.

Your first thing to do would to be to get a clean vase or similar container and fill it with warm water. At this point, don't forget to add your flower food that came from the florist and always follow the instructions on the package. It is suggested that you use warm water when preparing it. Flowers usually don't absorb cold water as well as they do warm water. Even with this you have to make sure the water is not hot. If it is it will end up shocking the flowers.

If your flowers are a bit wilted, just submerge them in warm water from five to ten minutes and it will bring them back to their former glory. When you are cutting the stems make sure you always do this under the water and always cut the stems diagonally. This allows the water to flow more easily into the stem. If they are cut above water it gives the stem a chance to absorb air, which is not always good.

Begin your flower arranging immediately. Place them in a six to eight inch vase. Do not put your flowers in direct sunlight or near a source of heat. They will do much better kept cool, but just cool not cold - under a ceiling fan would be perfect. On top of a television or above a heater would not be good for your flowers. If your floral arrangement just has buds on it at this time you'll have to be a little patient. Some flowers bloom quicker than others do, but it should only take two to four days. Before long all will be in bloom and showing off their beauty in no time.